
Degu as a Pet: Here’s What You Need to Know

Degu as a Pet

So you have fallen in love with the lovable degu at your nearby pet shop and you’re wanting to bring one home. Fantastic choice! Degus make amazing and energetic pets for human beings of every age. But before you take the plunge, there are a few things you have to know about those playful rodents to ensure you’re prepared to take care of one well. Degus may also look like fancy guinea pigs, but they really have a few very specific needs. They’re energetic, social animals and require lots of mental stimulation and interaction to be happy and healthy.

Here’s what you want to know to decide if a degu could be a good pet for your life-style.

Aspect Information
Suitability as Pets Degus can be wonderful pets because of their social nature.
Social Needs Prefer companionship; it’s recommended to have at least two.
Cage Requirements Spacious with multiple levels, solid bottom, narrow bars.
Preferred Toys Wooden toys, tunnels, items for climbing and chewing.
Lifespan Average lifespan of 5 to 8 years.
Dietary Needs Balanced diet includes hay, pellets, and fresh veggies.

What Are Degus? An Overview of These Unique Rodents

Degus are social rodents natives to Chile which have turn out to be popular exotic pets.


Degus resemble a mixture among gerbils and chinchillas. They have gentle, dense fur, huge eyes, and a long tail. Degus are in many colours, along with shades of brown, gray, and white. An average grownup degu weighs among 5 to 10 oz.


Degus are herbivores and in the wild eat plants, seeds, and fruits. As pets, degus need:

  • High-quality pelleted food as the main part of their diet. Look for a pellet that lists degu or degus as the first ingredient.
  • Limited quantities of fruits and veggies like carrots, leafy veggies, and berries. These make good treats however too many can lead to weight problems and health issues.
  • Constant access to grass hay like timothy or oat hay. Hay helps wear down degu teeth and provides fiber.
  • Fresh, filtered water daily. Degus can be messy with their water bottles so use a bottle designed for small animals.


Degus are active animals and need a large cage with multiple levels connected by ramps or ropes. Provide things for your degu to climb on like branches, ropes, tunnels and hideouts. Degus also love exercise wheels.

With the right diet, housing, and interaction, degus could make unique and social pets that bond very closely with their owner. Their unique and energetic nature can brighten up your day!

degu as a pet

Care Requirements for Degus: Cage, Bedding, Food and More

To keep your degu healthy and happy, you’ll need to provide the proper care.


Degu as a pet needs a huge cage. Aim for at the least 24 inches long, 12 inches wide, and 12 inches tall. Include a couple of stages connected by using ramps or tunnels, and fill it with toys like exercising wheels, tunnels, and bite toys to keep them happy. Aspen timber shavings or recycled paper pellets make great bedding.


Feed your degu a quality pelleted food as the main part of its diet. Look for a pellet made specifically for degus. Supplement with limited amounts of fresh veggies like leafy greens, broccoli, carrots and occasional fruits.

Always have access to timothy hay for fiber. Fresh, clean water should be available at all times.

Other Essentials

Degus need weekly interaction and play time outside their cage. Provide an exercise ball or supervised playpen time for at least 30 minutes a few times a week.

Degus need to chew to keep their teeth trimmed, so provide wood blocks, timothy hay, and chew toys.
Maintain the proper temperature – degus are sensitive to heat and humidity.

The ideal range is 65 to 72 F. Take your degu for regular vet checkups to monitor health and get important vaccinations.

Caring for degus does require each day interaction and dedication but the rewards of those social and active critters may be well worth it. Provide what they need to survive and you will have a happy healthy degu companion for many years.

degu as a pet

Are Degus the Right Pet for You? Pros and Cons of Degu Ownership

Are degus the right pet for you? Here are some pros and cons to consider before getting one of these energetic rodents.


  • Degus are social and bond very closely with their owners. They are playful, energetic and entertaining to watch.
  • Degus are easy to care for and don’t require as much interaction as many other pets. They only need to be fed once a day and their cage cleaned once a week.
  • Degus are quiet, odorless and don’t shed much so they can make great apartment pets.
  • Degu as a pet are inexpensive to care for. A quality cage, bedding, toys, and food are relatively cheap to obtain. Vet care is also typically very affordable for small rodents.


  • Degus require a varied and high-protein food plan. They want a diet plan that is about 20% protein to stay healthy. This method feeding your degu a quality pelleted food as the main part of its diet at the side of protein sources like bugs, eggs, and vegies.
  • Degus need a huge cage with lots of room for exercise. As energetic rodents, they want possibilities to run and climb. Degus can become obese and bored if no longer given sufficient area and stimulation.
  • Degus have a lifespan of 5 to 8 years so they are a long-term commitment. You will need to properly care for your degu for many years.
  • Degus may also bite if they sense threatened. Although degus can become pretty tame and socialized, they’re still wild animals and may bite if provoked. Proper dealing with and interaction from an early age can help prevent biting behaviour.

Overall, degus could make super and rewarding pets for owners determined to give the time to right care and socialization. If you need an active, social and happy rodent, a degu will be the best little friend for you! However, they do require each day interaction and a various eating regimen to keep them happy and healthy. Make sure you understand all this is involved in degu ownership before getting one.

degu as a pet

You can also check


1. Are degus good pets?

Yes, degus can make great pets. They are social animals and enjoy the company of their own kind.

2. Can degus be kept alone?

While degus are social animals and thrive in pairs or groups, they can be kept alone with proper attention and social interaction from their owners. However, it’s recommended to have at least two degus to prevent loneliness.

3. What kind of cage is suitable for degus?

Degu as a pet needs a spacious cage with multiple levels, platforms, and opportunities for climbing. Ensure the bars are narrow to prevent escapes.

4. What do degus like to play with?

Degus enjoy toys that encourage climbing, biting, and exploration. Provide wooden toys, tunnels, and items they can gnaw on to keep their teeth healthy.

5. What is the lifespan of a degu?

Degus typically live between 5 to 8 years, although some may live longer with proper care.

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